Sunday, December 14, 2008

Make extra money writing easy How-to Articles

Like many other families today we live paycheck to paycheck so I am constantly in search of ways to make extra money whether it is to pay a bill or just for a little something extra. There are a million sites out there that promise money can be made at home but most of those are scams. I found one that really does put a little extra money in your pocket and that is E-How. You sign up at their site with their writer's compensation program, start writing how-to articles on any subject you like, publish them (e-how does this all for you) and start earning money through ad revenue. It is only pennies at first but it grows every day. I have only been there a couple of months and have made a little money already. If you are interested in checking it out their address is

Women of Many Hats

There are plenty of blogs and websites out there dedicated to stay-at-home moms and WAHMs(work-at-home moms). This site is dedicated to the vast majority of us who are out there working everyday and trying to take care of our family and home at the same time. How do we do it all? Get up at the crack of dawn, get the kids ready for school or off to daycare, get ourselves ready, go work an eight hour day, run our errands, come home, supervise homework, cook dinner, give the kids baths, get em ready for bed...get up and do it again...Whew! I'm tired, How about you? This blog was set up as a spot to gather tips and hints we all need to make our hectic lives easier. Check in often to find recipes, parenting tips, organization hints and more...
Working Moms need to stick together and share what works.